Friday, July 31, 2009

Lazy lazy

So they just put in these automatic toilet paper dispensers in one of the bathrooms in the building where I work. Really? Are we so lazy that we can't even spin our own toilet paper? What will be next? Robots that will feed you and fan you with palm leaves so you don't have to feed yourself? Anyway, I just thought the toilet paper thing was really weird.


garrett said...

My bet is that it's less for the lazy factor and more for the money saving... if they put in a sensor for TP, then people are less likely to use massive amounts of it each use, thereby saving the company money on replacing it. The initial cost is nothing compared to savings in the long run. And it's not a bad idea in a down economy to save money in things like supplies rather than laying people off...

But don't get me wrong, I'd love a robot to feed and fan me. ;)

caron said...

It reminds me of Wal-E and how the humans rode hover crafts everywhere.
I think there is also a sanitary factor thy are taking into consideration.

The Pen Pal said...

I can think of few worse situations than to be in a public toilet, reach for som TP to finish off and realize that the first foot or so to be bloody and brown.

Thank your employer!


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Now it gives the custodians more broken things to fix. Seems like they will get jammed almost as much as the paper towel dispensers. Fun times.