Friday, January 16, 2009

A topic for discussion

Sometimes the choices that people make hurt me. Most of the time it is because they are choosing or doing something that is not right. Sometimes they realize that what they are doing is wrong and how it affects others, and they repent and apologize. Sometimes they don't. Either way, we are commanded to forgive all trespasses against us. It's not always easy, but we are promised that if we leave things in the hands of God, all will work out in the end. If they repent of their wrongdoings, God will forgive them. And if they don't, God will determine the proper action to take. And they usually have to deal with the consequences of those wrong choices.

I find that although it's not always easy to forgive and forget those things, as I remind myself that it is not my place to judge and that God will take care of them as he sees fit, it is much easier to forgive people and forget about how their choices have affected me.

However sometimes people choose or do things that are not necessarily wrong, but they still affect and hurt me. I find it much harder to forget about these things. I don't know why. But I also know that I'm only hurting myself by taking things personally and wallowing in my hurt. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this better?


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I wish. I find that a lot of times, people do things that aren't meant to offend me, lots of times, they really have the best of intentions, especially Church members that drive me crazy. So mostly I just try to let it go, and remind myself that they are human. If it's something that they consistently do, that hurts me, then I try to find a way to let them know that it's not cool. But I'm really bad about doing that too, as I'm not really big into confrontation, so mostly I just end up venting to Carl or my mom, or Kari, or someone else about it. But I really do just need to find a way to let it go instead.

caron said...

It depends on the situation. If it's an offense, I tell myself I need to either approach them and address it, or get over it. I hate confrontation, so I usually just go for getting over it. Forgiveness is sometimes putting your foot down and refusing to allow someone to hurt you anymore.
I also think that it's more for your benefit than theirs. If you are the walking wounded, how are you supposed to reach out to others?