Thursday, November 13, 2008

Name them one by one

I am trying to be better about counting my many blessings. After all, it is Thanksgiving season. But really, I should be more grateful for all the wonderful blessings in my life all the time. So I'm starting a list...

1. I have a warm place to live and food to eat.
2. I have a knowledge of the restored gospel.
3. God loves me!
4. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and would do anything for me.
5. My husband does the dishes and the laundry.
6. I have been sealed to my husband and my family.
7. I have a great job and job stability.
8. I got accepted into my grad school program.
9. The beautiful fall leaves.
10. A healthy body and the ability to do so much with it.
11. A good family who loves me.
12. The scriptures.
13. The ability to communicate with God through prayer.
14. A living prophet who receives revelation and provides counsel for us.
15. Good friends.
16. Medicine.
17. A good mind and all the opportunities I have to use it.
18. The freedom to choose.
19. My creative abilities.
20. A car that works.
21. The opportunity I had to serve a mission. (I went into the MTC 5 years ago yesterday!)
22. A sense of smell.
23. Talents.
24. People who believe in me.
25. I have a hard-working husband who supports me.
26. The atonement of Jesus Christ that gives me the opportunity to repent and try again.
27. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears!
28. Christmas time.
29. Technology.
30. The most handsome husband ever.
31. The opportunity I've had to see a lot of the world.
32. The ability to learn.
33. Challenges that force me to grow.
34. People who listen.

...there are so many things I'm grateful for. I'm making a goal to really focus on the blessings in my life. Happy Thanksgiving month!


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I love chocolate covered cinnamon bears. The only place I've ever found them is at the BYU Bookstore though.

caron said...

Love it.
Newlyweds are so wierd.
You should come to my house and put all those into Tom's feathers on my wall. Then he would be much bigger and full of thankful things. :)

The Lively's said...
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Christy said...

Why do say that newlyweds are weird? And just because I am trying to count my blessings doesn't mean I have it all together. It's just an effort to improve.

caron said...

Just because every other "I'm thankful for..." statement had to do with Matt. I just found it funny and decided to blame it on your marital status. That is all :)