Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Our marathon training starts next week. So guess what we did last night? You might think we'd be working out or something to get ready to start training, but no! We went to Red Robin and ate hamburgers and french fries. Hee hee! Gotta get it outta the system before training, right?

On a completely different topic...I have decided that I think that single people are generally more outgoing than married people. For example, I went to ward choir last week and the single people there came up and talked to me and introduced themselves, etc. while the married people mostly minded their own business. Also, on the bus, whenever I sit next to a single person, they usually try to start up a conversation with me. The married people just sit there and sleep or read or something. On campus, the single people will usually say hello while the married people hurry on their way. I just thought this was interesting. What do ya'll think?


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I agree, and it gets worse once they have kids. I miss being single because of the whole social aspect of things. Being married is awfully lonely. At least for me. I don't really have many friends besides Carl, and a girl needs friends.

Melissa D said...

Totally agree. I actually think that once you have a kid it gets a little better because you can relate to the other moms...there is always something to talk about...the kids! Good observation!

caron said...

I think that I will always be a talker. I haven't made any observations with married versus single, but I have noticed that single people in a relationship are more comfortable talking to strangers than single people who are looking. Then again, there may be hesitation because they may be scared that the other person would think they were hitting on them, so maybe it makes sense. I don't know.