Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The best 2 years

We celebrated our 2nd anniversary this past Sunday. Of course we really couldn't celebrate a ton, which is why we did our big celebration last week. But Matt made me feel really special by getting me some flowers and a love fern and writing me a sweet note. He never ceases to make me smile. We also had a little BBQ for dinner. Matt really made it a good day for me. I have been struggling this week with this whole recovery thing and adjusting to being a mom, and Matt really helped me to feel better by making it a special day even though I couldn't really do anything. I know it was hard for him because he is sleep deprived and overwhelmed too.

I love him so much and am so happy to be married to him. He just makes everything better. He is so good for me. It really has been the best 2 years and I look forward to many more happy times with him.

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