I pretty much live in my running shoes these days since they seem to help with my swollen feet. I really don't understand why most pregnant ladies wear flip flops...they make my feet swell much worse! Oh well...everyone's different!
There have been a few things that I didn't expect that have been worse than I thought. 1) I did not expect to be so nervous and scared about becoming a mom. 2) I expected people to be nicer to pregnant ladies. Seriously, people cut in front of me in line all the time. And I just thought people would be more considerate like giving up their chair or opening the door or offering to help, especially when it's obvious that I am struggling with something. 3) I didn't expect to have zero support for our decision for me to keep working. I wasn't really prepared for all the people who keep telling me what a terrible decision that is. But I just need to not worry so much about other people and worry more about having a good attitude and doing what I feel is best.
But other than that and a little overheating and swollen legs, I am so very grateful for an easier-than-expected pregnancy. Next time, I will do a few things differently though to be more healthy. Like although I've been pretty good about exercising consistently throughout the whole pregnancy, I know I could have done better. I also could have eaten better (like not having ice cream every night!) And I also want to work on strengthening my back and abs before I get pregnant again so they will be more prepared to handle the extra weight and pressure.
Here's her dresser.
And her crib.
And the pizza box wall hangings.
And her closet. We have gotten some really cute little outfits from family and friends.
And her carseat and stroller. We still have to figure out how to put the carseat in the car though!
I'm not exactly sure we have everything we will need, but we'll just have to make do with what we've got cuz our baby budget is all gone!
We've got 3 more weeks til her actual due date (July 23), but who knows when she'll make her grand entrance into the world. For some reason, July 20 keeps coming to mind. But knowing my luck, she will arrive on the 25th, which would NOT be good because that's our wedding anniversary.
Anyway, when do you guys think little Emily's birthday will be? The closest guess gets a prize!