Monday, February 15, 2010


I feel like I need to write about the many blessings I enjoy after that last post. I really do have a good life. We could be in a lot worse of a situation right now, and I feel so grateful the the Lord is watching out for us. I'm grateful for a wonderful husband who is so loving and makes any bad situation seem better. I'm grateful to have enough to support ourselves. I'm grateful for the opportunity that we both have to get good educations and not go into debt for it. I'm grateful that we are able to welcome a new baby into our family. I'm grateful for the gospel that keeps us on track. I'm grateful for our families and the friends that stick with us.

And I'm thankful that I am almost done with my thesis!!!!!!! I've got a draft done that is being edited right now by a couple of friends. Then I just have to make the edits and turn it in and hope it passes!!!!!

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