Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some thoughts and ramblings

On school: I find it interesting that I was about ready to drop out of grad school and the entire April Ensign was full of articles about the importance of education. It talked about how the sacrifice is worth it and will be of benefit to your family. Even if what you thought you'd do with your degree isn't what you end up doing. You will be blessed by getting as much education as possible. It talked about not putting off your education, but to get as much as you can as early as you can. So I decided that even though I want to be a stay-at-home mom, I'm not dropping out of grad school just yet. And I'm totally inspired by my wonderful friends, Amy and Kami, who graduated this month with their college degrees--all while raising kids.

On work: I'm still trying to find a job farther north so we can move closer to Matt's work so we don't have to waste 2 1/2 hours of our day commuting. It's not seeming to work so well. I am really enjoying my job at BYU, but this whole commuting thing is really wearing on both of us. Sometimes it's frustrating that an opportunity that would eliminate the commute is just not happening. And I really feel like I should work until we have kids.

On our living situation: Our lease for our apartment is up at the end of June, and we have no idea what to do. Do we move? Do we stay? I feel like it kinda depends on the job thing. Or do we take a leap of faith and move before I get a job?

On the marathon: It's in 10 days! Holy Cow! I sure hope we make it. I almost dropped out of that one too, but Matt wouldn't let me. I'm glad. I don't want to be a quitter. But I'm looking forward to May 16 around noon...when I have that finisher's medal around my neck and can call myself a marathoner without ever having to do it again!

On my new calling: I got the default calling--visiting teaching supervisor. I know I should have a better attitude about it, but right now I don't. I don't want to be the person that everyone at church avoids because they don't want to tell you that they didn't do their visiting teaching. Plus, I feel completely useless and uninvolved. I want to feel like a part of the ward and feel like I am contributing, not just bugging people. (I know I need to have a better attitude about this. I know that everyone is important no matter what calling you have, and as long as you are magnifying it then you're contributing. I know all that. I just don't feel all that yet.) Maybe I should just feel grateful that I have a very un-time-consuming calling.

On the weather: Finally! Springtime! I am loving it! Time for BBQs, swimming, smoothies, sandals, green grass, flowers, and sunshine!

Other thoughts: I'm excited for my Kentucky vacation! It's gonna be so fun! I'm excited to get my hair cut on Saturday! I'm excited to get new contacts next week!

I think that's it.


The Lively's said...

Okay sweetie you are crazy! I have two callings. Enrichment and scouts which keep me very busy basically I have 3 I am over the wolfs and bears which their should be a separate leader for each it is a long story but I am getting very burnt out soooo I would be shouting hallelujahs if I had your calling sooooo be grateful! Because I want a break! Aghhhh! You really do crack me up! Good Luck!

The Lively's said...

Oh and this is for Matt! They are building a In and Out just down the street from us! I bet your so jealous Matt!!! :)

Matt said...

I knew there was one coming! Where is it going to be? Any idea of when it will open? I may have to camp out the night before.

Bethany said...

Yep, just got released as primary president (I've honestly never EVER been so relieved to be released from a calling) and reveled in my few weeks of "downtime" (terrible, right?) before my next one. I say if you want a guaranteed high-energy calling, head for a place the church is still relatively young and growing. You'll be grabbed for multiple callings in no time and, before long, will be praying for mercy!! :) (And if it's worth anything, I have no doubt you'll be the best VT supervisor that ward has seen)

Piccolina Designs said...

Keep going for that education!!! You will not regret it in the future, but I know grad school is TOUGH sometimes. I remember one professor asked our grad class why we were getting our masters. I was the only female in the class so I am sure they expected some women's lib, empowering answer from me, but my response was so that I can teach my children and raise smart children. You know I my ultimate goal was always to be a SAHM and now that I get to be that, I do not regret my choice or my degrees. I think I will be able to instill in my little ones a greater appreciation for the world around them and for education.