Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This is just Zach getting into stuff. He loves to empty everything out of the cupboards and drawers, take all the magnets off the fridge that he can reach, and open and close doors. Sometimes he shuts himself into a room and can't get out. He sure is a curious little fellow!

Sometimes I paint Emily's fingernails and toenails. After I was done the other day, she said that she was going to paint mine. Oh boy! This is how my mani/pedi turned out. Ha!

And of course I was out of nail polish remover.

She found this basting brush in a drawer and said she needed to mop the floor. So she got a cup of water, dipped the brush in it and started "mopping" the floor with it. Ha!

She has also become obsessed with Dora the Explorer. She LOVES it. And she has started playing Dora and going on "adventures". It really is quite funny and she reenacts the show pretty well.

I sure do love these sillies.

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