By the time I finally got Zach evaluated for speech therapy in California and everything transferred over from his speech provider in Utah, Zach finally learned to talk. It took nearly 6 months to get everything transferred and set up. I was worried that he wouldn't qualify for services anymore because they took so long getting him set up for speech therapy here, but luckily he did...barely.
So he started his speech preschool class. I love it. He goes twice a week. The first week was pretty rough. He did not want to participate and follow the routine. But by the second week he was doing better. I'm so glad, because he needs some structure in his life and I don't know how to teach him.
They really do the cutest things in his class like this hilarious elf hat.
He is struggling going to Sunbeams at church, so I'm hoping this speech class will help him learn the routine of a classroom setting. And I'm glad he learned to talk. We still have trouble understanding him a lot of the time, but at least he's saying words and sentences!
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