Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Primary program

Our Primary program was on September 28, and it went really well! I was really nervous about how it would all go over because I've never done this before and I assigned myself to write the whole thing. I wanted to though. I wrote it back in July, revised it with input from my counselors in August, and then we practiced, practiced, practiced during September. Our theme in Primary this year was "Families Are Forever" so I based the program on the Proclamation to the Family.

Some kids read parts of the Proclamation. Some gave talks on aspects of the Proclamation, some gave short testimonies, and we had 2 classes give a group scripture, and we had a family who was recently sealed in our ward give their testimony of the temple.

It was wonderful! The kids that wrote their own parts did awesome, they all sang really well, and it just was great! I'm relieved it's over and so proud of them for bringing the Spirit!

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