Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Big girl bike

We got Emmy a bike last week! I was going to wait until her birthday to get her one, but then I realized that by then, the summer would practically be over and I wanted her to be able to enjoy it all summer. So she won't be getting much for her birthday this year, but she was so excited about her new bike!

Now she has all summer to learn how to ride it!

She was so excited about the little basket to put her doll in to take for a ride too. She was so cute at the store. She kept saying, "I want a little bike to take home!"

She is becoming quite the little helper. She loves to help me clean.

And sometimes she likes to help with Zach.

She also has been saying the funniest things in her prayers. Like...

-"please help me to learn to like my Gossie book."
-"please help me not to put my finger in Mommy's eye."
-"I'm thankful I could make a yummy treat."
-"Please bless Zach can be happy."
-"please help me not be scared."
-"I'm thankful I could see the duck."

I love that little girl!

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