Monday, April 11, 2011


My brother Nathan recently got engaged. When he was thinking about how to propose, my sister had a dream that he proposed using a Powerpoint presentation. So she called him to make sure he was not going to do that, and he said, "Oh that's a GREAT idea!" So we were all nervous that he was going to propose with his laptop in hand. We all tried to talk him out of it. I told him that when a girl announces that she is engaged, the first question asked is, "Can I see the ring?" and the second question is, "How did he propose?" I told him that poor Jessica should not have to go through the rest of her life telling people that he proposed with a Powerpoint. Luckily he didn't end up doing that.

But the funny part was that when he brought her over to my parents' house to tell everyone they were engaged, the first question everyone asked was, "Can I see the ring?" and the second was (of course), "How did he propose?". Ha! I love it when I'm right!  And even my 82-year-old grandma had to tell the story of when she was proposed to. So my point is, girls tell this story for their whole lives, so you boys better make it a good story to tell!

Luckily, mine was a good story that I still love to tell. Read all about it here. And congrats to Nathan and Jessica!

P.S. The way he DID propose was he took her to their favorite spot out by the lake, read her some lines from her favorite play, Persuasion, and "persuaded her to marry him" and then he told her that he had a star named after her that is some Hebrew name for Little Shepherdess.

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