Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where to draw the line

So I'm standing in line at the bookstore yesterday and some guy turns to me and asks me my name and starts making small talk. I go along with it because I am all about people being friendly. He was in front of me in line and when he was done, instead of leaving he waits til I'm done and continues the conversation. This is when it kinda got weird because it felt like he was flirting with me. He asks how old I am and then if I'm off to somewhere. I tell him I work here at BYU and then he proceeds to ask me about work. I felt like I was giving him enough hints that I was unavailable, and I tried to wave my left hand around enough so he would catch on to the fact that I am married, but he just kept going.

So, at what point in conversations such as these do I say I'm married...back off? You'd think he would do a ring check. Isn't that proper flirting ettiquette? I'm just wondering where the line is between being rude and having a nice normal conversation with someone in the bookstore line. I think though that it would probably be different in any other setting than BYU because BYU is kind of known as the dating ground.

I just thought it was pretty funny, so I thought I'd share.


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Ah, BYU. Some days I miss it, some days I don't. That's when you pretend your phone is ringing, and you look at it and say "Oh, that's my husband. It was nice talking to you. I've got to take this call. Bye." Yeah.

caron said...

I like the phone thing. If I'm trying to get someone to take a hike I throw "boyfriend" into the conversation. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but "husband" packs a bigger punch.

Kristen Brady said...

I love that phone idea! Yeah, that was weird that the guy waited for you after you bought your stuff! Hhmmm...... good ol' BYU!

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...
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Mauri said...

Oh man, that's a great story. Who actually waits for someone they've never met. I guess you're just too friendly. :) BYU--love that place.