Saturday, August 2, 2014

6 Years

Last week we celebrated our 6-year anniversary.We have both been completely exhausted and stressed lately so it was really nice to have a short little getaway. I tried to plan really relaxing stuff since we didn't have much time to be away.

We went to dinner at Tuscany over in Fort Union. The place itself was fantastic. We ate out on the garden patio and it was really nice. My food was not so great, however. If you ever go there, don't get the pork chop! But Matt's lasanga was good and our dessert was really good!

Then we stayed overnight at the Castle Creek Inn, also in Fort Union. I stumbled on this place several years ago and have been wanting to stay there ever since. It's really a castle! And it has these cute gardens and royal-themed rooms. We stayed in the Rapunzel's Tower room. It was so cool and very relaxing! And they had breakfast the next day in the dining hall.

The next morning we went to the temple and then got massages! They put us in a "foot soak" while we were waiting for them to be ready for us and I thought Matt looked so funny in his "foot soak"!

But the massages were awesome! And then we had to go back and get our kids. But it was soooo nice to be able to actually relax for a bit. We needed it so much. And Happy Anniversary to us! It's been a great 6 years.

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