Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Birthday festivities

Yesterday was my wonderful honey's birthday! Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the festivities, but I hope he had a great one. On Saturday, we had a few friends from our old ward over to celebrate. Sunday was the family party (and another family party the previous Sunday). Then on his real birthday, I got up and made him french toast and bacon for breakfast and Emily gave him her present, which was a silly T-shirt with a pizza and an equation on it.

Then Emmy and I went to campus to take a picnic to Matt for lunch. But poor Emmy has been sick this week and she fell asleep on the way to campus (she NEVER does that!) even though it was an hour before her regular nap time. So we had our picnic in the car.

Then after Matt got home from school, we went to Magelby's for his birthday dinner. We had a really great coupon, so we were able to get 2 dinners, salad, bread, an appetizer and dessert for basically the price of one! Our food was so delicious, and we got so much that we brought home 5 boxes worth! Matt got BBQ pulled pork and I got this tasty chicken pasta stuff. And of course we had to get the chocolate cake! It is THE BEST! And thanks to Kyle for babysitting (aka...doing his homework at our house while Emmy was in bed.)

After we got home I gave Matt his presents. I got him a game of Risk because that is his favorite game. I (really my mom) also fixed his favorite pj pants because they had gotten a big rip in the bum. And we hemmed a couple other of his pj pants into the length he likes. And then we went to bed because Matt has also been sick this week.

Anyway, I hope he had a good birthday because he is so great. I am so thankful that he is my honey and that I get to celebrate his birthday with him!

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